Fast Charge Payment Gateway For Presta Shop


Start accepting credit card payments with your Presta Shop store today. Quickly and safely integrate your Presta Shop shopping cart platform with the Fast Charge payment gateway with this extension.

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Fast Charge Payment Gateway For Presta Shop

[box type="info"] Guaranteed to work on the latest version of Presta Shop[/box]

[box]Plugin communicates securely via TLS 1.2 per PCI Compliance.[/box]

This plugin extends the functionality of Presta Shop to accept payments from credit/debit cards using the Fast Charge payment gateway.  This plugin enables you to use the Fast Charge payment gateway to accept credit cards directly on your Presta Shop website without redirecting customers.


Easy Install

  1. Simply browse to your 'modules & services' section of your Presta Shop back office.
  2. Click on 'Add A New Module' on the upper right menu.
  3. Upload the module that you purchased from us. Be sure to click 'Yes' when Presta Shop asks to confirm.
  4. Browse to 'Payment' section of your Back Office and click on 'Install' on the gateway. From here you can then enable and configure the gateway.
  5. That is it. Just make sure that you have

SSL Security
This payment gateway allows you to accept credit cards directly on your website and therefor to remain PCI Compliant you must protect the checkout page with SSL. This module requires a functioning SSL environment to work properly.

System Requirements

Please be sure to have a recent version of PHP installed on your web server (at least 5.5.19) for CurlSSL to work properly.

Additional information


Presta Shop


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